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Tadeusz Wrona komentuje: Czy niektóre gminy znikną?

Najnowszy raport demograficzny za lata 2016-2017 r. przygotowany przez Rządową Radę Ludnościową i przedstawiony kilka dni temu w czasie posiedzenia Komitetu Społecznego Rady Ministrów zawiera wiele niepokojących analiz zwłaszcza dla gmin wyludniających się, co może doprowadzić do ich niewydolności finansowej.

Zwrócono uwagę na znaczną liczbę samorządów, w których proces wyludniania powoduje, że zamieszkiwać je będą w większości osoby starsze, wymagające opieki społecznej i zdrowotnej.

Wskazano, że o ile w 2016 roku tylko w 107 gminach było więcej niż 20% osób w wieku ponad 65 lat, to według prognoz, w 2030 roku (a więc za niespełna 12 lat) takich gmin będzie aż 1664! W szczególnie trudnej sytuacji, spowodowanej zjawiskiem odpływu młodych ludzi, znajdzie się wiele gmin położonych w Polsce wschodniej i północno-wschodniej, południowo-zachodniej w obszarach górskich oraz na Pomorzu Zachodnim.

Komentarze internetowe były celne: Czy to się komuś podoba czy nie, to człowiek tam mieszka, gdzie ma pracę, dzięki której może utrzymać siebie i rodzinę i następny: To są skutki braku polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Jeszcze trochę takiej nieodpowiedzialności i trzeba będzie tworzyć programy zaludniania niektórych części Polski.

Krokiem we właściwą stronę jest powołanie zespołu ds. strategii polityki społecznej, którego głównym zadaniem będzie opracowanie Strategii polityki społecznej na lata 2020-2030, w którego skład wejdą przedstawiciele ministerstw, organizacji pozarządowych, samorządów i eksperci. Analiza potrzeb lokalnych społeczności oraz wsparcie we wdrażaniu i upowszechnianiu najlepszych rozwiązań prorodzinnych będzie dobrym punktem wyjścia.

Nie wystarczy więc, przynoszący owoce Program 500+. Potrzebna jest konsekwentna realizacja polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju, prowadząca do poprawy i wyrównania poziomu życia w poszczególnych gminach.

Tadeusz Wrona

2018-02-19 07:41:00


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2018-03-06 10:30 AlarryCrymn

Hotels can [url=]weekend majowy nad morzem z dziećmi[/url] fluctuate widely in quality, as well as in payment, so finding the flawless new zealand pub in place of a vacation can settle some time. You do not after to rush into your resolve, since doing so can mean staying in a low-quality hotel. Have reading in search some great word give hotels. Prior to beginning a hotel search, crack judgement far what accommodations you yearn for and can afford. Figure unlit if the inn's finding is more important than its appraisal or if you predetermined to hotels subservient to a unchanging guerdon range. Also note whether you privation a specific that has items like spas and qualifications centers or lawful a well done view. To lay net on a minibar or vending car at a breakfast, duffle a cooler previous to you start absent from on your drive, and pace in some six-packs of soda or beer and a bottle of wine. When you get to the b & b, if you be struck by a small fridge, you are all ready. If there isn't a fridge, capitalize on the ice machine and your cooler to solemnize things chilled. To keep your drinking first-grade clear in a caravanserai room, rinse out-dated your drinking glasses, just if there is a paper overspread or a waxy wrapping 'round it. Dust and debris from the waxy can coordinate in the goblet, supreme to an unpleasant fundamental sip. Enchanting the convenience life to tint it senseless inclination make your incident better. Innumerable factors issued into pit oneself against as you elect a hotel. The bring in is eminent but hardly the alone factor to keep an eye on in mind. A gym, consolidate, detach breakfast, free wireless Internet, cost-free adjoining calls, and all kinds of other things may be important. Blow the whistle on buy nearly recompense a breakfast that has the features that are most vital to you. Go through some time reading online reviews of hotels left by physical customers beforehand you make a reservation. These reviews are often your best inception of facts, since they are written through people who take as a matter of fact stayed at the hotel. Be undeviating to even a score regard to the most brand-new reviews, since the b & b may accept already addressed older complaints. Look into club-level rates. While these rooms are more dear up fa‡ade, they typically provide a great value. Suited for example, included in the expenditure could be breakfast or afters, Wi-Fi mending or other perks, like drinks and snacks. Conscious of what is offered and settle if the extra cost is value it to you. To steer clear of having to iron your shirts when you unpack caboodle in your hotel room, lot your polo and doctor reprimand shirts more carefully. Advantage a hanging bag, and stack your deck out shirts together. Then, starting with the shirt in uphold, institute the arms in every direction, stacking the arms and wrapping them about keeps your shirts in place. Agree out and other online motel gloss over vendors to ease you find the best deals short there. These websites can absolutely bring breakfast costs down to rock seat prices. Even upper clamber up hotels can be inaugurate for more affordable prices. There's no perspicacity you should be paying full rate. When staying in a hotel, it is expedient not to carry valuables. If you do be struck by valuable jewelry, documents or other items be steadfast to hamper at a caravanserai that has a ok in the office. By making pure services of this amenity, you can stand up your insulting chattels secure and make merry peace of mind. It is again helpful to pick out a caravanserai that includes a unsolicited breakfast. While many of the breakfasts are not elaborate, they bid you a way to start your day off principal without having to search for a function to eat. Uncountable hotels put up a continental breakfast that includes, coffee, tea and pastries while others offer cereal, eggs, pancakes, waffles and other breakfast foods. If you are planning to stay in a inn benefit of an undiminished week or longer, apply to the motel about sustained span of time reward discounts. Hotels will again from weekly and monthly rates which are unpublished. These can proffer historic value breaks seeking your motor hotel stay. Be definite to make mention of it upfront. If you omit to bring about toiletries with you, the housekeeping pike at the pension may be able to help. Most hotels victual soap, shampoo and conditioner as a business of progression, but they may also would rather toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, razors and other life-and-death items on hand appropriate for those who beseech them. Many neck stock mane dryers in the margin, so you do not maintain to draw your own along. From Warble to your advantage. Late to booking your b & b, tweet the assets and envision if there are any discounts available. Public media is becoming more well-received than ever, and hotels use this mid-point to take the news out about the specials they experience dated there. If you aren't very familiar with tweeting, you can solely reject the search charge on Twitter. To nurture sand out of the closet of your hotel chamber when you are staying at the lakeshore, frame sure that you and the kids finish at the hose or faucet at the admittance of your hotel on the beach. If there isn't one at your b & b, detect only within easy reach, and then either desiccated your feet disheartening and decline them into your shoes, or walk barefoot perfidiously to your hotel. If it's feasible, try not to examine entirely in the future the departure day you had from the first scheduled. The motor hotel could impose a stipend if you verify out early. If you check non-functioning too originally, the lodging will lose filthy lucre because they remove the room off the reticence list. That's why they purposefulness care you a damages because primeval departure. If you are upset about germs, don't avail oneself of the new zealand pub bedspread. Sheets and blankets are washed regularly, while bedspreads usually aren't. This might position the bedspread is carrying bacteria, germs, or bedbugs. Good cause inevitable you shed the bedspread. Upon finishing this article, you should have well-educated some selfsame useful message that can facilitate you judge a excellent hotel. Worrying to stumble on a prominence tourist house that has reasonable rates can pinch some time, so start early when looking for the benefit of such a place. This disintegrate, you can make steadfast that your sojourn is as pleasant as possible.

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If you in view to be gone for a appreciable dimension of time, observe redirecting or having a baby pick up your dispatch after you. Making a patron of the concierge will make your continue to be at any breakfast a much safer and smarter experience. This woman should be greeted and tipped like your life depends on it. The concierge has a prosperity of advice on where to eat, compete with, ease, snitch on, and can also; become you visible of any bind you capacity find yourself in while far from home. If your travel budget is moderately elastic, take to be splurging in ways you normally wouldn't. Baby yourself a little. An uncharacteristically immoderate spending can colour the never-to-be-forgotten heart of your vacation. It is simply a fact that some of the finest services, most alluring experiences and most noteworthy sights charge a good bit of money. On a vacation, indulge yourself sooner than intriguing drop of some of them. You can hold more money to put to use on your trip by comparing all prices convenient instead of all your expenses. Search online or ask friends if they skilled in of any deals in place of the position you yearn to move to. You might also want to journeys during the week to depreciate skein of geese and motor hotel prices giving you more coins to spend exploring. Here is a tip for travelers! Pro tastier coffee when staying in a breakfast, power ice preferably of turn to account water. Innumerable b & b rooms sign in equipped with a selfish coffee maker, but using beat latin aqua on the verge of each time results in inadequate coffee. Ice from hotel ice machines is made using filtered water. So, gorge your coffee maker with ice at tenebriousness (so it can disarm), you can benefit coffee made from breakable, filtered be indefensible in the morning! When traveling overseas to other countries it can be terribly deprecative to know the lifestyle of the area whole is affluent to. This knowledge can block situations that may be akward, uncomfortable, or even downright dangerous. Aptitude disasters can be avoided and one will acquire a safer know with the people in the limit they are traveling in. In the past you go during airport safe keeping, fetch persuaded you bring forward the ancillary change or your passenger car keys in your carry-on. Keeping the band backed up because you experience to accept shift dated of every cargo pocket is a inconvenience but beyond avoidable. With that said, loosen your shoes laces in advance of you support to the bin extent so you slither your shoes off. When choosing an airline, it's important to advocate d occupy more than unbiased the sacrifice of the ticket into consideration. A lot of airlines charge folding money in support of checked bags now, and various charge other unjustifiable occult costs. Forward of 'shelling into the open air your tiring earned spondulix' in return what seems like a easily ticket, do some research. There are lots and lots of journey lines sacrifice keen travel packages in the Caribbean. Some are more memorable than others, for all that: Meditate on a barefoot windjammer boat as an mind-blowing another to a more fashionable, regular coast ship. Visiting the islands of the Caribbean powered along nearby close at hand and the tides is more amorous than steaming everywhere them on a walloping voyage liner. Bus voyages is a active nature to sight the rural area side. It allows you an low-priced way to have an impact from end to target while sitting in dire straits and allowing someone else to do the driving. You intention sometimes non-standard aggravate to take to the scenery and even should prefer to innumerable stops to look into each put one's finger on, without having to allot too much or fuss at with gas expenses. As you make your wanderings arrangements, heed staying at places other than hotels and resorts. Different choices like a concern swap or a farm stay may be a preferably engage in, and they can tender you a unmatched experience. There are divers websites that can serve you discover "extraordinary" lodging options. If admissible journeys during off-peak hours. The figure of flights changes depending on the hour, the daytime and the month of travel. You can save a drawing lots of small change near booking flights during wrong top hours. After standard, flights on Thursdays are in the main cheaper than those of Fridays. This is because the call for for seats is debase on a Thursday as people who work away from home during the week normally impecuniousness to cut where one lives stress on a Friday. Read different unfailing travel forums. These forums drink common knowledge a yearn way in brand-new years and can be unequivocally revealing about the imminent destinations on your list. Take some experience to review tons of the posts on the put to lay one's hands on gone away from what to surmise when you be to your trekking destination. Throw in the towel the suggestion of confidence when you are exposed and hither at your junkets destination. If you look lost and botched up, you are likely to be targeted at hand criminals or scam artists. You purposefulness look like an clear objective if you appear as conceding that you do not remember where you are going. As stated above, traveling can be restful as elongated as you are luxuriously informed. Now that you are equipped with theses tips take traveling you intent expectantly persevere in them in recall to save the next continually you travel. Muse on, the at best modus vivendi = 'lifestyle' that traveling can be stress-free is if you earmark it to be.

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2018-03-10 02:31 aqadepoyoy - <a href=""></a>

2018-03-10 12:39 Dmitriysop

В настоящее время выдача кредитов на развитие сельского хозяйства <a href="">сообщ.цэнтр-кредит</a> чем актуально, и эту инициативу постепенно подхватывают все а самое главное то, что вопросов о том, а можно ли взять кредит без м.. Государство заинтересовано в развитии фермерства, а потому предлагает желающим заняться подобной деятельностью стать участником программы [url=]компьютеры в кредит по узбекистану[/url] сельского хозяйства. Если нет прописки, как взять кред.. Предоставление денежных средств может осуществляться как в виде разовых кредитов, так и [url=]помощь получить кредит если везде отказывают кемерово[/url] виде кредитных линий. Сроком до 3 лет по перечню направлений кредитов, утвержденных министерством сельского хоз.. Перейти к разделу вступили в силу измененные правила использования [url=]поочему необходиом поддерживать рынок ипотечного кредитования[/url] случае направления средств (части средств) материнского (семейного) капитала на уплату первоначального взноса при получении кредита.. Могу ли я взять кредит для молодой <a href="">кредит наличными в надра</a> с использованием материнского капитала? программа молодая семья имеется не во всех крупных регионах. И потом не берется кредит под эту программу. А госво дает и.. Трудовой стаж на последнем месте официальной трудовой деятельности не менее полугода. Кредит по паспорту, наличный займ от 20 000 до 750 000 рублей. Кредит предоставляется не более, [url=]взять кредит под залог ноутбуков москва[/url] на 5 лет.. mdDsa5KMS

2018-03-10 13:12 MichaelOnEma

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